Imagine someone hands you a map and challenges you: how many colors does this map need?

Thanks to Appel and Haken's proof, you know the answer is at most 4. There's also an easy way to check if the answer is 1 or 2.

So that just leaves you with deciding if 3 colors are enough. Surprisingly, this is one of the toughest and most mysterious problems in computer science.

A fast way to check if 3 colors suffice sounds easy enough (after all, it's doable for any number besides 3). But it would have huge consequences: at the very least breaking all cryptography and revolutionizing artificial intelligence.

(Many important tasks like decrypting secret messages and training optimal neural networks are 3-coloring questions in disguise.)

To this day, we still don't know if a fast method exists. It is arguably the biggest mystery in mathematics.

Anyway, I want to show you one last thing. Take a look at this map:

I claim 3 colors suffice. Do you trust me?

Sure, you seem like a stand-up guy Nope, not after you asked for a map needing five colors